Hofner Violin Bass 500 Stencil / Mask / Frisket Luthier Tool



Hofner Logo Stencil Vinyl Mask Frisket Luthier Tool

You will obtain a factory result as you can lacquer over it without leaving any relief.

Made from premium 4 mil vinyl with adhesive back, this frisket / mask can be applied to any Hofner headstocks for logo restorations and repairs. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need something custom made.

Provides a vastly superior and accurate finish.
Intended use is only as a luthier tool and is intended only for Hofner made instruments.

The vinyl frisket / mask has two protective layers, the underside is peeled off so the vinyl can be adhered to the surface, and then the top layer of clear application tape is peeled off to reveal the stencil ready for spraying.  We provide no further technical support for the use of this product, and can take no responsibility for its use on your instrument.


  1. Apply stencil and spray on after final sanding and polishing of the headstock.
  2. Apply stencil and rub down, then remove application tape.
  3. Apply paint then remove and apply clear coat when dry.
inspyre design + print